Friday, November 16, 2012

ReDefining Myself

Now that I’m a mom redefining who I am has become really important to me. I think it is important for all moms to look at themselves and make sure that they are comfortable with who they are and the role they play in the world, not just at home. For me, life itself has been about transitions. During college I was always a party girl and my wardrobe has transitioned as I have become a professional woman, a married woman, and now a mom. Having a daughter plays a big role in that because I believe that children see themselves in their parents, especially the same gender. I’ve gone through a LOT of transitions (I'm almost a new person) in my life but this is the biggest one. My frugal side took over during my pregnancy so I wore my pre-pregnancy clothes as long as I could during my pregnancy. Needless to say they are all stretched out so what better excuse to go shopping! *sneaky smirk*
The interesting part is how not only my style changed, but my view of the world did also. I didn’t wake up one day and say I want to be a different person I just was. Things that used to interest me don’t anymore. Unfortunately this has also made its way into my friendships. As a mom you see people in a different light. You look for qualities that you hope your child will pick up and start to notice the ones you’re not too fond of. Now don’t get me wrong, I still have my fun side, my husband and I have a great time when we’re alone but it is completely different from the fun we have with the baby around. I told a co-worker the other day that my goal is for my child to one day say “no way did MY mom do that” when she hears a friend or family member share a crazy story. I guess we’ll see how it goes!
Have you seen a great change in yourself as your life has transitioned? Is there anything you’ve regretted giving up in the process of change?

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